Ardath Road, Birmingham.
Postcode: B38 9PN
United Kingdom.
It consists of 9 factories. The products of the company are well known and have a high reputation among consumers of the building complex. Our products are considered to be one of the best in the world and is used during the construction of most of the strategic industrial, infrastructural and residential projects.
We live in a rapidly changing world, and we witness profound changes in society, consciousness, foundations, business. But invariable were and still are the basic principles on which the activity of the company has been built - honesty in relations with customers and partners, an extensive range of products, consistently high quality of our cement, accessible prices, social responsibility, the desire for stability.
The satisfaction of our customers - that is the main task and mission of the company and in particular of the sales department. The company has a team of soul-mates who solve together the problems of providing consumers with heat and pure water. Many employees are working from the the founding of the company.
We annually held training and retraining of personnel. Workers are provided with all necessary conditions for implementation of tasks as part of their activities. The company encourages the best employees.